Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Preaching on the Islands

On a typical Sunday, Andy will leave for the islands around 7:30 am and will travel on the water using our catamaran as his main source of transportaition. It is an ineresting way to get to work! Rain or shine, Andy tends to go out unless the weather is very threatening. Lightning is not good when out on a sailboat! When there is not enough wind, Andy uses a 3 hp engine to push the catamaran along.
As we have only just begun our new term out, Andy has been randomly visiting the island churches to check up on progress, encourage those leading the church (often the laity), and to preach that Sunday service if invited to do so (which is most often the case!) It is a great way to find out what the felt needs are among the church, to pray together with believers and to lead seekers to Christ. While visiting the churches these first months back, Andy is working with them toward helping each church reach its own personal goal of outreach, to set up seminar times for further study of the Scriptures, and to provide Bibles and Christian literature as requested. After the church service, their typically is an exteded time of fellowship over a meal and then perhaps a second teaching time in the afternoon. Andy normally arrives home around 6-7 pm.

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